Chiropractic First Barcelona

937 50 43 06 C. de Calabria, 246, Bajos 3a, 08029 Barcelona

Viva al 100%
de tu capacidad.
Libérate de
Problemas para dormir  Hernia Discal Mala postura Dolores de Cabeza Migrañas Dolor diario Dolor de Cuello Dolor de Espalda Baja Lesiones Deportivas Menores

Descubra una vida sin dolor gracias á
Chiropractic First Barcelona

de experiencia
+ 0 años
ya ajustados
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¿Qué es la quiropráctica y cómo podemos ayudarte?

Nuestra misión es ayudarte a ser tu mejor versión y asegurarnos de que tu columna vertebral esté en plena forma. Creemos que la calidad de vida es clave, por eso nos esforzamos en ayudarte a alcanzar tu máximo bienestar. En nuestra consulta familiar, todos son bienvenidos. Pensamos que todos merecen recibir cuidado quiropráctico, y estamos aquí para ofrecerte una atención genial.

Nuestra misión es ayudarte a ser tu mejor versión y asegurarnos de que tu columna vertebral esté en plena forma. Creemos que la calidad de vida es clave, por eso nos esforzamos en ayudarte a alcanzar tu máximo bienestar. En nuestra consulta familiar, todos son bienvenidos. Pensamos que todos merecen recibir cuidado quiropráctico, y estamos aquí para ofrecerte una atención genial.


¿Qué es la quiropráctica y cómo podemos ayudarte?


¿Qué dolor estás experimentando?

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Los síntomas pueden incluir dolor en la zona de la hernia que puede irradiarse a través de las caderas o hacia los glúteos.

6008cced759685055439e8a8 Scoliosis p 500


La postura es el espejo de la columna vertebral, normalmente desarrollada a partir de su estilo de vida, sus hábitos y su forma de sentarse.

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Las investigaciones indican que el traumatismo cervical es una causa subyacente de muchos tipos de dolores de cabeza.

6008cced759685f77339e8a3 Neck20Pain p 500


El dolor de cuello (dolor cervical), es comúnmente causado por una mala postura, mala ergonomía, malos patrones de sueño y posiciones sentadas incómodas.

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El dolor de espalda puede ser debilitante, persistente y recurrente para algunos. Además, puede producirse en cualquier parte de la columna vertebral.

6008cced759685577339e8a5 Numbness202620Tingling p 500


Su cuerpo es propenso a los mismos tipos de dolores y molestias, tanto si es un aficionado al deporte como si es un profesional.


Conoce a nuestro doctor y su amor por la quiropráctica:


Precios transparentes, para que sepa qué esperar de su pimera vista a nuestras clínicas.

ⓘInformacíon importante

Antes de que podamos darle
un ajuste, uno de nuestros expertos quiroprácticos tendremos que hacer una evaluacíon inicial para que puedan formular el mejor tratamiento possible.

Consultation initial

Session inidividual de ajuste


Para Niños


Para adultos


Récupera el 100% de tu capacidad!


Precios transparentes, para que sepa qué esperar de su pimera vista a nuestras clínicas.

ⓘInformacíon importante

Antes de que podamos darle
un ajuste, uno de nuestros expertos quiroprácticos tendremos que hacer una evaluacíon inicial para que puedan formular el mejor tratamiento possible.

Consultation initial


Session inidividual de ajuste

Para Niños


Para adultos


Récupera el 100% de tu capacidad!


Para los pacientes

Absolutamente. Muchas mujeres embarazadas han informado de una mejora en la postura y en las condiciones de la columna vertebral gracias a la atención quiropráctica durante el embarazo.

La edad no es un obstáculo. El tratamiento es seguro para personas de cualquier edad; los procedimientos difieren para los más jóvenes, los que padecen enfermedades óseas como la osteoporosis y los ancianos.

Los quiroprácticos tratan todo tipo de problemas de espalda y cuello, dolores generales, incluidos los de las articulaciones, espasmos o calambres musculares, hombro congelado y codo de tenista derivados de afecciones musculoesqueléticas asociadas de la espalda y el cuello. También tratan el dolor de las articulaciones, incluido el dolor de cadera y rodilla provocado por la artrosis, junto con tratamientos para la artrosis de base y el ejercicio. La quiropráctica también puede ayudar con los dolores de cabeza secundarios a problemas de cuello y la prevención de las migrañas.

Los quiroprácticos están altamente capacitados en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los trastornos neuromusculares, con énfasis en los tratamientos que incluyen, la manipulación de las articulaciones, la educación del paciente, las modalidades de terapia física, la terapia manual, la nutrición y los ejercicios de rehabilitación. Los ajustes quiroprácticos implican que los profesionales cualificados apliquen, utilizando sus manos o un pequeño instrumento, un empuje específico y controlado a una articulación de la columna vertebral para mejorar el movimiento de la misma, así como la función física de su cuerpo.

El cuidado quiropráctico está muy bien considerado por sus resultados científicamente probados para tratar/ayudar con el dolor de espalda, el dolor de cuello, los dolores de cabeza, las malas posturas, la ciática y algunas/muchas otras afecciones. También es importante tener en cuenta que la atención quiropráctica puede proporcionar una atención preventiva práctica para optimizar la salud y el bienestar general de una persona.

La formación de los quiroprácticos es universitaria y de carácter superior a tiempo completo. Finalizados los estudios se obtiene el título de grado equivalente a licenciatura, máster o doctorado (de 5 a 7 años), según los países.

Christopher Pim

Quiropráctico Shepherd’s Bush

Hi, I am Dr Chris. My story with Chiropractic starts from when I was born. I was born into a large family of Quiroprácticos. So having grown up hearing about Chiropractic constantly, it was only natural for me to want to pursue a career in Chiropractic.

From my young days as a child to now, I have always been a very healthy active individual whether it be swimming, skiing, skateboarding and even wakeboarding! I have always loved sport and looking after myself. Having regular Chiropractic care, I feel has kept me in check, enabling me to perform at my best in the sports that I love.

My parents were great advocates of preventative medicine. This I believe, is what Chiropractic does best. It gets to the root of the problem and provides patients with a solution.

Whilst studying at University, I got to familiarise myself with several techniques including diversified, Gonstead and SOT. I have also attended several Chiropractic seminars around Europe.

Callum Westlake


My name is Callum Westlake. I first discovered Chiropractic whilst working as a graduate Sports Therapist. After working closely with the Quiropráctico’s I became in awe of how effective and helpful Chiropractic can be. This awe led to curiosity where I embarked on the MSc course at AECC in Bournemouth. I learnt to look at the body as a whole and how maintenance of the spine allows the body to function at its best. Although I have made the move to Chiropractic, I am still passionate about sports, particularly team sports (all codes of rugby and football). My graduate Sports Therapy background has led me to intern at St Helens Rugby League as well as providing pitch-side care at Portsmouth RC academy.

At this clinic, my focus lies with improving and enhancing normal daily living for all patients. I produce personalised treatments matched to my patients needs, enabling them to resume their normal daily activities.

Steve Holloway

Steve Holloway

Hi My Name’s Steve & I’m a chiropractic Advocate!

I’ve been involved with chiropractic and Quiroprácticos since meeting my wife 22 years ago.

My background in marketing and sales has given me a unique insight into chiropractic and how to explain its philosophy and benefits. Having experienced the life changing results of being a chiropractic patient has given me a deeper understanding of chiropractic and health in general.

Having worked with many Quiroprácticos and as a co founder of the United Chiropractic Association I have in some small way contributed to the growth and stability of what I know is a vital part of today’s healthcare system bringing relief of symptoms and improved lifestyles to millions of people worldwide.

Working with the team at Chiropractic First has renewed my passion for chiropractic and sharing chiropractic vision and benefits to a wider audience.

I am immensely proud of the care we deliver and my main focus is delivering a level of service and experience to everyone who seeks our help.
BJ Palmer once said ‘”you never know how far reaching something you think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow” my aim and my aim for Chiropractic First is to embody this statement and make it a reality.

I look forward to meeting you all in practice and helping you achieve your health goals.

Kelly Jeffrey

Kelly Jeffrey

I’m Kelly, Operations Manager at Chiropractic First. I was born and raised in Greater Manchester but have spent the past few years travelling the world before returning home to be near family and friends.

I have a background in Beauty Therapy and have a passion for natural care and wellbeing. I enjoy being part of the chiropractic first team due to the caring environment that I am lucky to work in.

There is always something new and exciting to learn regarding chiropractic care, it’s wonderful being part of a patient’s journeys to recovery, seeing them lead healthier and happier lifestyles. I always make time to spend with and listen to patients, which I love. Patient care is so important to me which is why I always leave work happy, and with a smile on my face.

Léa Saintespes

Quiropráctico Chelsea

Hello, I’m Dr. Léa Saintespes, French woman that grew up around Europe, moved around a lot, studied chiropractic in Madrid- RCU-MCC, and have now settled in London.

My first contact with chiropractic was at a very early age, after many ankle injuries and Low Back Pain due to dance competitions. Similar to a lot of young kids doing high level sports I was mislead to think it was normal until I met my Quiropráctico. That’s when I started to become more aware of what natural health means and felt in love with the holistic approach. Naturally I wanted to be part of the solution.

What I like most about my occupation is when my patients realise how life changing chiropractic care is on so many levels. I also enjoy the constant learning side of chiropractic and being a part of my patient’s wellbeing.

A bit about myself, I’m interested in Latin dance, yoga and self growth. I speak 5 languages, and enjoy using my linguistic skills to connect with patients from all over the world, something I find especially rewarding living in London.

If this resonate with you, my team and I will be pleased to accompany you on your path towards optimal health!

Luis Vilches

Quiropráctico Barcelona

Hola soy Luis y soy quiropráctico. Mi primer encuentro con la quiropráctica fue cuando, siendo muy joven me lastimé la columna practicando deporte, acudí a un quiropráctico, el me ajustó y el síntoma desapareció en dos sesiones, pero lo más importante es que él me habló de la importancia de una columna libre de subluxaciones, y cambió mi paradigma de salud. Después de eso, quise poder ayudar a los demás como ese doctor me ayudó a mí.

Me gradué de la UNEVE (Universidad de Quiropráctica en México) en 2010 y después hice una especialidad en rehabilitación de columna en Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. Y desde entonces mi propósito ha sido poder ayudar a la gente a alcanzar su mayor potencial de salud.

Estoy emocionado de formar parte de la familia de Chiropractic First Barcelona.

Hi, my name is Luis and I am a Quiropráctico. My first encounter with chiropractic was at young age practicing sports I injured my back, I went to a Quiropráctico, he adjusted me, and my symptoms were gone by the second appointment, but the most important thing, he taught me the importance of a well-adjusted spine, and he shifted my health paradigm. After that, I wanted to be able to help people like that doctor helped me.

I graduated form UNEVE (Mexico´s College of Chiropractic) in 2010 and after that I did Chiropractic Rehabilitation in Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. Since then, my purpose is to help people to achieve their maximum potential of health.

I am very excited to be part of the family of Chiropractic First Barcelona.


Imran Shah

Quiropráctico Birmingham

My journey to chiropractic began after being a keen tennis and cricket player where I noticed injuries affecting my level of performance. These were diagnosed as “growing pains” at the time and only after a visit to a Quiropráctico that I realised my problems were actually related to my spine and he looked at things bio mechanically rather than just trying to ‘fix’ the symptoms.

Not only was I able to return to a high level of performance (representing myUniversity at tennis) but it made me realise how powerful the chiropractic adjustment can be in helping my nervous system function efficiently. I went on to study a four year master’s degree at the Wesh Insititute of Chiropractic (WIOC) in South Wales after initially completing my biomedical material scienceBMedSc (Hons) at the University of Birmingham. Following graduation, I have gained experience working with professional athletes in an acute Sports injury clinic in a multidisciplinary team consisting of (Osteopath, physiotherapist and podiatrist). I then went on to specialise in Chiropractic care which taught me the importance of prevention and maintaining optimum health.

I have also done locum work in London which has helped me treat a wide variety of muscular skeletal conditions. I am a registered member of the GCC (General chiropractic council) and the British Chiropractic Association (BCA). I have recently spent time observing a clinic in Dubai and in Singapore working under theChiropractic First Group witnessing some of the great results they have working with families and people of all ages.

My personal interests include playing tennis regularly and competing in the Warwickshire leagues for my club, functional rehabilitation, strengthening and conditioning and giving my patients nutritional advice where necessary

Richard Mackinnon

Quiropráctico Chester

I pride myself on being someone who has a natural rapport with patients and works cooperatively to identify and address impediments to personal growth and health.

Having been rehabilitated through chiropractic care I am passionate about the excellent benefits and health care I can provide my patients. I’m dedicated to finding natural approaches to correct postural management, spinal degeneration, stress reduction and optimal health function of the entire body.

‍Originally from NewZealand I have lived in London many years. This has provided me with the opportunity to travel extensively and experience new cultures which is something I am passionate about. I am a keen sports fan and enjoy helping those that want to improve their strength & conditioning for competition or recreation.

Morris Kahere

Quiropráctico Leeds

I’m Morris Kahere, a Chiropractic graduate from the Durban University of Technology class of 2017. I started being actively involved in Sports Chiropractic when I was a second year Chiropractic student in 2012, working with Jaguars Rugby Club as the assistant team Quiropráctico. This is when my passion for Chiropractic was ignited. In 2015, I became the team Quiropráctico for the Durban University of Technology Women Football. From 2016 I was taken up by the University of KwaZulu-Natal Sports Science Department where I was the Resident Quiropráctico for their Football teams (men and women). I travelled across the country with the teams for their USSA and Varsity Tournaments. When I qualified in 2017, I went on to open my own private practice in a South African third-world community called Umlazi, where no one knew about Chiropractic. I became actively involved in community events raising the awareness about Chiropractic, offering free Spinal Assessments, Health Education and Promotion. In 2019, I decided to be adventurous and joined the World Voyage Cruise Ship, Queen Mary 2, where I was working the onboard Quiropráctico while travelling the World. On the flipside of the story, I am an active researcher with a few publications in peer view journals. My main research areas are Epidemiology and Health Economics of Neuromusculoskeletal Diseases.

Booking Policy

Once you have submitted your details through the form, a member of our team will be in touch to confirm your booking. Upon confirming your booking you will be required to pay a 50% deposit of the £60 consultation fee, which accounts to £30.

In the event you need to cancel your appointment, we kindly request you notify the clinic no later than 24 hours before your appointment, to ensure a full refund of the deposit. Any cancellations that occur within 24 hours of an appointment will not receive a refund of the deposit.

This policy has been put in place to ensure patients attend their bookings and, in the event that they wish to cancel their appointment, notify our clinics ahead of time so that we can allow time for clients on our waiting list to be contacted.

If you would like to learn more, feel free to contact us.

Michael Bates

Quiropráctico Leeds

My passion for chiropractic evolved through both my sporting activity and the long-standing drive to help others. Through my love of the outdoors and playing sport, I have always been interested in exercise and healthy eating. However, following a significant injury from a skiing accident, I came to realise there was something missing from my health equation. I could no longer perform to the best of my ability, and I would regularly experience episodes of pain. I could not understand why my body could not heal itself. I was told at 18 years old that I should stop playing sport and skiing.

Chiropractic allowed me to return to full contact sport and to ski better than ever! I felt fitter, faster and stronger. I experienced far fewer injuries, and if I did sustain an injury my body would heal itself in a much shorter time span. I realised that if an 18-year-old could be told to stop doing the things they loved at such a young age, imagine what people in their later years were being told.

So, my drive became to help people of all ages to get to their best, and stay at their best for the rest of their lives. In my spare time I try to ski as regularly as possible, and have recently taken up rock climbing. I also enjoy travelling and sampling different cultures from around the world.

Ai-Chen Tseng

Quiropráctico Birmingham

Hey! My name is Ai-Chen, originally from Taiwan; and I graduated from McTimoney College of Chiropractic. Let me give you a brief introduction about my chiropractic journey.

Actually, I never heard of “chiropractic” before I came to the UK! I was studying Business Administration in Taiwan; however, throughout the first year, I can’t foresee myself working in this profession because I was not passionate about what I learned. Then, I started to explore my interest.

I first heard of “chiropractic” from my auntie, who found chiropractic care really beneficial and served for good purposes. She suggested I observe her Quiropráctico finding out more about this delightful profession. I was impressed to see how the spine is related to our body function and all positive responses from the patients.

After that, I took my chance to come to the UK to learn more about chiropractic. Throughout the study, I have met good friends and seniors, sharing and discussing techniques. It was inspiring to understand that we can do so much more as Quiroprácticos to help everyone to improve their quality of life.

I would be immensely proud to say that “Being a Quiropráctico means you never stop learning!”. I want all my patients to be happy, being able to perform activities they struggled before and to be a lifelong healthy wellbeing.

Joel Mariner

Quiropráctico Chelsea

I was fortunate enough to be introduced to chiropractic from a young age. As an active child who would get stuck into any sport I could, I felt that the lower back pain I was experiencing was not right for a young, healthy person and there must be something that could be done about it. So my parents took me to see a Quiropráctico. Not only did I find that the pain subsided with chiropractic care, but I was feeling stronger and able to perform at a higher level in my sports. This experience fuelled a curiosity about how the body works which led me to study chiropractic at AECC in Bournemouth where I learnt to look at the body as a whole and how maintenance of the spine allows it to function at its best.

In my spare time I am a keen rugby player and a fan of many sports. I also love cooking and finding new cuisines for culinary inspiration.

As a Quiropráctico my objective is to be detailed and specific so that each patient can achieve their personal goals, allowing them to see ho their health can positively influence their lives.

Andrea Fois

Quiropráctico Shepherd’s Bush

My passion for chiropractic was born by chance. It was through my uncles that I met their Quiropráctico (who later became mine) at a time in my life when I needed to make some changes. After attending just one session I was intrigued and fascinated and began to learn more about the profession.

My passion and constant desire to help others had always brought me closer to medicine, but I realised that chiropractic focused on the true well-being of the human being, increasing the body’s self-healing abilities without the use of any medication. I graduated from the Madrid College of Chiropractic and from the very beginning I had the opportunity to work alongside my Quiropráctico and learn so much from his valuable advices.

After my studies I have done various seminars and training courses, which are essential to give my patients the care they require.

I am a playful and empathetic person but meticulous in my work. I like to continuously update and improve my knowledge and what motivates and rewards me in my work is achieving the goals of improving the health of my patients and having the honour of being part of that healing journey with them.

Jean-Patrick Brochand

Osteomyologist Manchester

I am Jean-Patrick Brochand, I am 29 years old and grew up in up in Lyon, in the South of France. I practice in the UK as an Osteomyologist whilst I got through the registration process with the General Chiropractic Council. I studied Chiropractic in Paris and Madrid where I graduated after 5 years of study.

Hey, I’m Sandra. I’ll help you book your initial consultation. Ready to go?

This should only take one minute.

Before we can properly treat you, one of our expert Quiroprácticos will assess the severity of your symptoms in order to formulate the best treatment plan. The initial consultation will cost £60.

Great to meet you test! Which clinic would you like to visit?

When would you like to do your initial consultation?

Choose a time that’s most appropriate for you and we’ll do our best to accomodate your preferences.

What day(s) would you prefer?

Choose as many as you like.

What time of day would you prefer?

David Bates

David Bates

It was from a young age that I was first exposed to the chiropractic profession. This was down to my older brother having struggled with persistent back and hip issues that were non-responsive to mainstream medical care. After observing and receiving adjustments myself, my mind was set on one day becoming a Quiropráctico. I found it fascinating that the human body had an inbuilt intelligence to heal and self regulate without needing to resort to drugs or surgery.

A few years later after leaving school, I enrolled at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic (AECC) in Bournemouth and set out on a five year masters degree in Chiropractic. During these years and especially after graduating, I continued to attend seminars to further my understanding of the human body and how chiropractic care plays a key role in optimising our health no matter how old we are. I believe that my ability to further help each and every individual is a never-ending learning process, which is why I attend weekly conference calls with Dr Stephen Franson, who has a wealth of experience in our field. I am a registered member of the General Chiropractic Council(GCC) and the United Chiropractic Association (UCA).‍

After spending a number of years gaining valuable experience working in clinics in the UK, I had an opportunity to work in Singapore and South East Asia with a company called Chiropractic First. Following a very successful two year period in Asia, the time was right to move back to Manchester after the birth of my son. The idea was then born to bring the success of Chiropractic First to the UK. Away from Chiropractic First my time is spent with my family, as well watching Formula 1 or Football when time allows.